Saturday, July 29, 2023 26 East 50th Ave, Vancouver Our annual summertime BBQ/party/fundraiser extraordinaire is back! Sample from a multitude of taps of delicious beer, cider, mead, etc. plus a delicious taco bar with plenty of sides, snacks and vegetarian/vegan options. We’ll also be celebrating the winners of the recent VanBrewers competition. Did you placeContinue reading “Summer 2023 BBQ”
Author Archives: Leslie-Anne Stavroff
Notice of 2022 Annual General Meeting
Take notice that the Annual General Meeting of the Vancouver Homebrewers Association (VanBrewers) will take place on Thursday, February 3, 2022 at 7:30 PM via Zoom. We had really hoped to hold this year’s AGM in-person, but… well. A link to the Zoom meeting will be emailed to members-in-good-standing prior to the AGM. Only VanBrewersContinue reading “Notice of 2022 Annual General Meeting”
March 2021 Meetup – Red Shed Malting
Thursday, March 25, 2021 – 7pm PDT For our March 2021 meetup we’re delighted to be joined by Matt Hamill and Morgan Rattray from Red Shed Malting in Penhold, Alberta. Matt and Morgan will give us a virtual tour of their family-run malting operation. This presentation is open to both VanBrewers members and non-members. Members, youContinue reading “March 2021 Meetup – Red Shed Malting”
Notice of 2021 Annual General Meeting
Take notice that the Annual General Meeting of the Vancouver Homebrewers Association (VanBrewers) will take place on Thursday, January 28, 2021 at 7:30 PM via Zoom. A link to the Zoom meeting will be emailed to members-in-good-standing prior to the AGM. Only VanBrewers members in good standing (e.g. paid-up) may attend the AGM. Renewals and newContinue reading “Notice of 2021 Annual General Meeting”
2020 Advent Calendar
It’s the most wonderful time of the year… time for the annual VanBrewers Advent Calendar! Every year, 24 VanBrewers submit 28 bottles of their amazing homebrew and produce the legendary VB Advent Calendar. This members-only perk easily holds its own against every commercial beer advent calendar on the market. Sign up here: If you wouldContinue reading “2020 Advent Calendar”
Philly Sour Yeast Trial
VanBrewers has set up a trial with Lallemand in regards to sending out packets of their new strain WildBrew: Philly Sour. This yeast is able to sour a beer without needing to kettle sour. We will mail out dry yeast packets to any paid-up VanBrewers member free of charge. Once everybody gets their packet, weContinue reading “Philly Sour Yeast Trial”
2020 Cider Buy
For the last number of years, VanBrewers has partnered with Taves Family Farms in the Fraser Valley for a bulk apple juice purchase. In recent years, this has been expanded to include other fruit juices, as well as a heritage cider mix. While 2020 has not been kind to most of us, thankfully we canContinue reading “2020 Cider Buy”
Notice of 2020 Annual General Meeting
Take notice that the Annual General Meeting of the Vancouver Homebrewers Association (VanBrewers) will take place on February 8, 2020 at 12:00 PM in the Roxanne Room at 12 Kings Pub (395 Kingsway St, Vancouver, BC). Only VanBrewers members in good standing (e.g. paid-up) may attend the AGM. Renewals and new memberships can be taken beforeContinue reading “Notice of 2020 Annual General Meeting”